Live Chromatography Webinars 2024
HPLC System Optimization
Phil Koerner
Global Pharmaceutical Market Development Manager, Phenomenex
Thursday, January 18, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (SGT)
Key Learning Points
  • Learn what to do when you first receive your new column. 
  • Find new tips and tricks to increase column lifetime. 
  • Understand when it is time to say goodbye to your column. 
Who Should Attend
Any analysts or scientists routinely working with HPLC columns. 
How To Start Up and Shut Down LC and LC-MS Instruments 
Genevieve Hodson
Technical Manager, Phenomenex
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (SGT)
  • Getting your system ready
  • LC System Start Up and Shut Down
  • LC-MS System Start Up and Shut Down
  • On and Off System Column Storage
Key Learning Points
  • Best practices for getting your LC system prepared before you turn it on.
  • A general, system egnostic, approach to starting and stopping both a LC  and LC-MS system.
  • How to store a column both on and off of a system as well as how to clean the column to best protect it from premature degradation
Who Should Attend
Any user newer to Liquid Chromatography or using a Mass Spectrometer that would like to have a better understanding of protecting their column during system start up and shut down

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*Webinar schedule & overviews are shared at the bottom of this page.

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