Poster Abstract:
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are chemicals that include more than 12,000 different compounds. PFAS compounds are present in all environmental matrices including water, soil, air, and living organisms. Due to the persistent nature of these compounds, as well as their ability to be easily transported through the environment, there is a significant concern for the presence of PFAS in the human body.
Analysis of PFAS in serum is performed for clinical research and biomonitoring by public health labs. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine identified seven PFAS important in clinical research and published guidelines for their analysis. In this study, a method for PFAS in bovine serum by LC-MS/MS for these seven analytes that meet sensitivity requirements in the National Academies clinical guidelines is demonstrated. The efficient LC method and microelution SPE extraction requiring no elution solvent evaporation is an elegant solution for high-throughput and automated workflows. Commercial kits are available to convert the LC system to a PFAS-free system, but none were used in this work